Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Get Rid Of Warts During Pregnancy

Pregnant must take care when choosing wart removal products.

As an expectant mother, you're used to drawing attention. Keep that attention on your baby bump, not on an unsightly wart. Many over-the-counter removal methods could be dangerous to your unborn child, as could some in-office treatments. Using duct tape to naturally remove your wart during pregnancy might be the safest bet.

Over-the-Counter Treatments

Most over-the-counter wart removal methods contain salicylic acid, according to MedicinNet. Salicylic acid is not considered safe during pregnancy. "You should not use any products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or any of the retinoids. They are not safe to use during pregnancy," states dermatologist Sumayah Jamal, MD, PhD, in an article for WebMD.

In-Office Treatments

In addition to over-the-counter wart treatments, there are numerous options available at your doctor's office. These include prescription creams, injections and cryotherapy, all of which utilize chemicals that may not be safe during pregnancy or while breast-feeding. Tell your doctor about your pregnancy and discuss the safety of any suggested removal method before choosing any one method.

Duct Tape Removal

According to, duct tape can be all you need to remove a wart. Clean the affected area and dry thoroughly. Cover the wart with a small piece of duct tape. Place a bandage over the duct tape if desired. The bandage is only to disguise the duct tape; it is not necessary to the removal of your wart.

Leave the duct tape in place for six days. If the tape falls off before you've reached six days, replace it as quickly as possible and continue on to the original sixth day. Remove the tape and soak the wart in warm water. Scrape away as much of the wart as possible with a nail file. It most likely will not come off completely the first time. Leave the tape off and allow what remains of the wart to sit uncovered overnight. Reapply more tape and a new bandage bandage in the morning. Repeat this process as many times as necessary for up to two months.


It is not actually necessary to do anything about a wart during pregnancy. Warts typically go away on their own in a matter of months. However, if the wart is in an obvious location or is simply bothering you, check with your doctor before attempting any type of at-home wart removal during pregnancy.

Tags: duct tape, during pregnancy, safe during, safe during pregnancy, wart removal