Thursday, 26 March 2015

Get Funding For Fashion Shows

A fashion show usually benefits from anything that brings it more prestige.

Fashion show funding comes in various forms, as financial backing, in-kind donations and volunteer services all help defray show production costs. Adding the element of raising money for a cause increases the likelihood of getting financial backing. Celebrity endorsements, press, big name designers, exclusive venues and upscale audiences are additional lures.


Secure a Cause

1. Picking the right cause directly affects financial backing. Assess where the money in your community lies and find a cause embraced by that sector. Approach corporate sponsors and check their websites for cause matches. What charities do they support? Local small businesses are another source, so consider charities they endorse. In addition, trendy causes of the moment are popular and capable of attracting greater amounts of money.

2. After deciding what cause your fashion show will support, approach charities supporting that cause. Offer a receptive charity 10 to 20 percent of the ticket sales. Picking the right charity is another key. By associating with a popular charity you will increase revenue for your event, and finding one that is socially connected is ideal. Once you have selected the organization, leave tickets for it to sell to its membership and donate passes for its board of directors and staff. Use the organization's name on your program, in the press and in word-of-mouth promotion.

3. Up the glamour factor. Posher events receive bigger dollars. Recruit local celebrities. Newscasters, radio personalities, socialites and other key members of the community should be invited and asked to participate in some way. Using a local radio personality as the emcee could mean free air time publicity. In addition, including a fashion editor from a local newspaper could add up to additional free press.

4. Approach local businesses for "in-kind donations," such as gift baskets filled with products and free gift certificates. Remember that they will be more eager to participate if the cause and charity are well-known and recognized names are connected to the event. Raffle the gift baskets at the event to raise funds for the charity and help pay for the cost of the production.

5. Sell ad space in the program. Again, when businesses recognize names and identify with the charity they are more likely to jump on board. Revenues from ad space sales also helps balance your event budget. By using professional models, securing an exclusive venue and convincing celebrities to take part in your event, you will have an easier time securing financial backing.

6. Landing a corporate sponsor brings in big money, though it takes work and advance planning. Letters and telephone calls must be made months ahead of the event, as it will take considerable time for the offer to reach the desk of the person who will actually make the decision. Corporate sponsors often make a large contribution to cover production costs. In return, they receive lots of recognition in the form of free ad space, their logo or banner at the event and prominent mention in all of your press material.

Tags: financial backing, your event, charities they, event will, fashion show