Friday 27 March 2015

Get Through The First Trimester Of Your Pregnancy

Get through the first trimester of your pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is definitely the hardest. our body is going through the biggest change it will ever go through, with life growing inside of you. It is an amazing experience, but at the same time can be a difficult one. Here are some common issues you may experience and deal with them.



One of the most common problems is experiencing extreme tiredness in your first trimester. I is due to the rise in the hormone progesterone which causes feeling tired.

cope - Make sure you get adequate sleep every day. If possible take a couple cat naps during the day. Although you appear normal on the outside, inside your body is working harder then it has ever worked before.

Take it easy and allow the housework to slide for awhile, give in to inner signals and RELAX!

Exercise - If you exercised before you were pregnant, cotinue to do so. You may need to cut back some or change your routine to fit your needs, check with your doctor to make sure. Exercise can also help with your energy levels! If you did not regularly exercise before hand, talk to your doctor about incorporating an easy routine into your pregnancy. Simply walking for 30 minutes daily can make a big difference.

The tiredness will usually subside between week 8 to week 10, so hang in there!


Not all women will experience this unfortunate event, but many will.


Whither you are hungry or not you should eat every couple of hours to help keep your blood sugar levels up. If you wait until you are already hungry, it can cause you to become more nausea's due to your stomach acid production and your blood sugar levels lowering. Keep snacks that are high in protein, carbohydrates and fiber close to you at all times. Healthy snacks like fruit, vegetables, nuts, crackers and cheese, are good choices. Try your best not to let three hours go by without eating a little something to help keep your blood sugar levels were they need to be.

Have a snack before bedtime as well. This will help your stomach and help keep your blood sugar levels were they need to be through the night. Have something this is high in protein like nuts or a protein bar. This will help you through the night, even having a simple glass of milk before bed or in the middle of the night has been said to help alleviate the nausea feeling in the morning.


It is important to keep your body well hydrated now more then ever. Your body is working over time creating a new life inside, so make sure you drink lots of water and even some fruit juices. Try to limit your amount of juices however due to the sugar. it is always best to stick with plain water. Avoid caffeinated beverages as much as you possibly can like coffee, caffeinated teas, and sodas.

Although a 7-UP or Sprite type of soda can help you with nausea. Try drinking one that is a little flat with saltine crackers and even leave it next to your bed at night. My doctor recommended this and it helped alleviate my morning sickness a bit. Ginger ale is also a great drink during the nausea times during pregnancy.


When you are getting up from a sitting or laying down position do it slowly. Fast movements tend to bring nausea on more so then when you move slowly. Especially first thing in the morning, make sure you move slowly. If you feel it necessary leave a snack like nuts, crackers along with water next to your bed and eat it in the morning before getting up. Allow a little while for it to digest and then get up slowly and get ready for your day.


Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins with a meal every morning. If you feel the pill itself is to blame for your nausea then


This is a common issue which comes in the first trimester, then subsides during the second trimester and comes back in the third. As the uterus grows in the first trimester, it puts pressure onto your bladder causing the frequent feeling of needing to pee. Blood production also increases and makes your kidneys process more fluids which of course end up in your bladder.

cope - There really is nothing you can do to help this side effect. You definitely do not want to cut back on fluids since your body really needs them right now, mainly water. So take it easy and drink up, just stay close to a restroom.


This is typically one of the first signs you may notice when you first become pregnant. It can be uncomfortable but it is all part of the miracle of pregnancy. The tenderness is the result of your breasts getting ready to produce milk whither you choose to breastfeed or not. The soreness will subside usually around week 12, although your breasts may continue to grow.

cope - The only thing you can really do is wear a comfortable bra. Try one made with soft stretchy fabric and no restrictive under wires to dig into your skin. If you have larger breasts, size D or larger, wear a bra with wide padded straps for the best comfort and support. At night you can also wear a snug fitting tank or a special cotton sleeping bra to help support and comfort them.


There are dangerous signs to watch for, and if any of them are happening contact your doctor right away!

Severe nausea and/or vomiting - The normal morning sickness is normal, but if you are unable to keep anything down for 24 hours, you should contact your doctor.

Heavy bleeding - It is normal to have a light spotting during the first trimester but if you are experiencing a heavy flow then you need to seek medical attention right away!

Persistent belly pains - Some abdominal pains are normal, but if you are experiencing a strong, steady pain in your lower abdominal to pubic area it can be serious. This could be signs of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Seek medical attention right away.

Tags: first trimester, blood sugar, blood sugar levels, keep your, sugar levels