Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Get Sponsors For An Event In Las Vegas

Holding an event in a city like Las Vegas can be tricky, because there is so much going on there already, from concerts and casinos to revues that cater to thousands of people. Consequently, any event in Las Vegas must have ample promotion and entertainment to gain the attention of the Vegas crowd. A good way to ensure promotion is through sponsors. Getting sponsors for an event in Las Vegas requires optimal matching with companies that may benefit from your event and helping them to realize that potential benefit.


1. Create event collateral materials for distribution to your sponsors. This collateral should provide information on the event, sponsor prices and benefits. Your sponsor packet should be well-designed and appealing to entice potential sponsors to learn more about how they can to benefit through participation in your event. Set a range of sponsorship levels, so that businesses big and small can participate.

2. Match potential sponsors with your event.There are always new events looking for sponsors in Las Vegas, so you need to be specific and direct in your approach. For example, if yours is a benefit event, then you might want to target some of the local banks, educational institutions like the University of Las Vegas and smaller retail shops that might have a budget for this event type and could benefit from the exposure.

3. Create an effective advertising and promotion plan to net sponsors. The more people hear about your event, the greater your potential attendance, which raises the likelihood of finding businesses interested in participating. Circulate flyers around the city, particularly around the Vegas strip area. Advertise through local TV stations and engage newspaper advertising. You should also take advantage of social media on the internet to get the word out about your event and court interest.

4. Arrange meetings with potential sponsors. When you meet with a potential sponsor, be clear and specific about what your event brings to the city and how it's distinct for other events. Present yourself as professionally as possible and have both estimates and hard figures regarding finances, attendance and other aspects ready to help them make their decision.

Tags: your event, potential sponsors, about your, about your event, benefit from, event Vegas