Friday, 20 March 2015

Get Into Shape After Childbirth

Getting in shape after having a child doesn't have to be stressful, or impossible, no matter how much weight you gained during your pregnancy. Use this how-to to get started feeling better and to get in shape.


Getting moving

1. Check with your doctor before you begin exercising. Your doctor may also give you a handout of exercises that you can do before your six week check-up. Go ahead and do these exercises as they will help your body prepare for your return to a regular exercise routine.

2. Eat a healthy diet. You will not have enough energy to exercise as a new mom if you are eating a lot of junk food, or sporadic meals. Your diet plays a huge part in your energy levels, your body composition, and your baby's health if you are breastfeeding. If you can, breastfeed. Breastfeeding can help you lose weight, and get your body back to normal. Make sure to eat enough calories to keep your baby healthy. If you can't, don't feel guilty, as many new moms find out that they can't. You may also find that a benefit of bottle feeding is more time to exercise.

3. Choose an exercise that you can do while the baby sleeps. You can put in your favorite exercise tape (use an easy tape or one designed for postnatal moms), have dad watch the baby while you go to the gym, or take the baby for a walk in his or her stroller. Any exercise that you can do as a new mom is good exercise.

4. You may laugh, but try to get as much sleep as possible. It may be a few months before you even get 5-6 hours at night, but napping at least once during the day can help recharge your energy. You will also lose more weight and help your body recover from childbirth and any exercise that you may be doing.

5. Stick with it, but don't be hard on yourself. Yes, exercise will give you more energy, and help keep postpartum depression at bay. But sometimes, just getting a shower and a meal will be all you accomplish in a day, and that's fine. In the first few weeks, just try to exercise at three days per week, and build up from there.

Tags: your body, exercise that, find that, help your, help your body, your baby