Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Get Ripped By Lifting Weights

Giving your body adequate time to recover between workouts allows you to achieve increased muscle growth.

Muscles grow when they are at rest, not when they are being worked out, according to Ripped Naturally. In order to get ripped, it is important to take several days off between workouts of large muscle groups. This allows the muscles a chance to grow as it takes three to seven days for a worked muscle to recover. Not to be overlooked is the part that cardio work and diet play in getting ripped. In order to achieve your maximum level of fitness, you need to eat right and do cardio on your non-lifting days in order to see the maximum results from your weight-lifting efforts.


1. Push yourself to failure with each set that you do. Pushing yourself until you can't lift the weight anymore will release more hormones that in turn builds more muscle, according to Ripped Naturally. Putting forth an intense enough effort stimulates your muscles to a point where growth can occur.

2. Do a low amount of repetitions with each exercise. Four to eight repetitions is an ideal amount for muscle gain. The amount of weight that you are lifting should be such that with your last repetition you are at the point of failure.

3. Use free weights. Lift with free weights, as opposed to machines, because the free weights put natural resistance on the muscles and help them to grow better, according to Ripped Naturally. Using machines will not add the muscle mass required to get you ripped.

Tags: according Ripped, according Ripped Naturally, free weights, Ripped Naturally, between workouts, when they, with each