Monday, 23 March 2015

Get Over Being Dumped

Let's face it, no one likes to be dumped. Getting over it is no piece of cake. Keep reading to find out get over this less than desirable situation so that you can stop dwelling on your ex and start moving on with your life.


1. Accept the fact that the relationship is over and that your ex is not coming back, no matter how much you wish it would happen.

2. Cry it out. Allow yourself the time to deal with the pain of the break up and to grieve the loss of this relationship in your life.

3. Spend time with close friends and family. Having a shoulder to lean on during this tough time will cheer you up when you're feeling lower than low.

4. Make a list of all of the horrible, bad things about your ex and your relationship. Read this list anytime you're contemplating the desperate, "Let's get back together" phone call.

5. Rid your home of everything that reminds you of your ex. Take down all of the pictures of the two of you and give her stuff back (or throw it away, whatever makes you feel better).

6. Release your negative energy. Take a jog or a hike with friends, dance around your apartment, sing at the top of your lungs or do whatever it is that helps you to get rid of all of that negative energy and start feeling like yourself again.

7. Get back in the game. Once you've allowed yourself time to cry and vent to your friends, have fun being single. Go out with your friends, meet new people and start dating again. It may seem hard at first, but the sooner you leave your ex in the past, the sooner you'll start having fun.

Tags: negative energy, with your, your friends, your life, yourself time