Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Get Rid Of A Breakup Emotion

Healing after a break up is a long process.

Everyone experiences a break up at some point in life. Break ups are always emotional whether the couple is married, in a long-term relationship or have only been dating for a few months. No matter how amicable the break up, one person is bound to feel extremely hurt by the loss or termination of the relationship. Break ups make you feel like your world has been torn apart, leaving you to put together the pieces. With time and patience, you can get over your break up and move on with your life.


1. Allow yourself time to grieve. It is perfectly normal to have extreme feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, anxiety and loss after a break up. Be patient with yourself. Do not rush yourself into thinking that you are over the break up, if you truly are not. Ignoring your emotions will only prolong the healing process. So, grab a tissue, have a good cry and let it out. Do not become frustrated with yourself, if you find that you still feel the pain weeks or even months later. Trust in the fact that time does heal and allow time to do its job.

2. Do not keep your feelings bottled up. Find a supportive group of friends to talk with about your break up. Talking to others who may have gone through what you are experiencing will help you realize that you are not alone. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your friends or family, keep a journal. Write your feelings down, reflect on the good and bad of your relationship and share your fears about your future now that the relationship no longer exists. Keeping a journal is a good outlet for your emotions, and it may help you to express thoughts that are too personal to share with someone else. You can even write a letter to your ex in your journal, expressing how you feel about the way the relationship ended. This is particularly helpful, if you did not get the closure you needed.

3. Make new friends. You may feel like you lost your social network when your relationship went sour. Expanding your social circle will help you cope with the loss of friends who may have chosen your ex's side during the break up.

4. Explore your interests. Do not spend all of your time in the house. This will only allow you to wallow in the pain. Get up and get out. Take a cooking class, go hiking or take a trip somewhere you have always wanted to go. Take time to do activities that make you happy. In the process, you will reconnect with yourself, make new friends and may even find a new love interest.

5. Seek professional help, if you need it. If you have overwhelming feelings of depression or sadness, talking with a grief counselor or joining a support group may be helpful. Do not be embarrassed, if you need help or additional support. Break ups are hard, but you do not need to go through the break-up emotion and healing process alone.

Tags: with yourself, about your, after break, feel like, healing process