Tuesday 17 March 2015

Get A Man After 40

Get a Man After 40

Getting a man at any age is irrelevant to age. For those with reservations changing your way of thinking and opening yourself up to change may be all you need to find the mate you deserve.


1. Step outside the box. Forget about age. If it's legal, it's okay. Ruling out someone who's a good match for you because they don't fall into an age range society may feel is acceptable doesn't make sense. Who made that rule? Look at well-known women who've found love in so-called May-December romances: Demi Moore (Ashton Kutcher), Tameka Foster (Usher Raymond), Susan Sarandon (Tim Robbins) and Michelle Obama (President Barack Obama).

2. Lose your list of preconditions related to physical attributes. Why limit yourself based on superficial characteristics? Everyone's heart looks the same and it's character that matters. Belle found the love of her life in a Beast. Esmeralda and Quasimodo looked beyond the physical deformities and found soul mates in each other. You're not vetting a candidate. You're looking for someone to share in your life.

3. Open yourself up to possibilities. Think forward and stop limiting yourself to unreasonable social preconditions you've set. For example, not dating men with children or not dating men with ex-wives. It's not reasonable to expect someone to not have had a life before you came alone. Didn't you? Setting unreasonable and unrealistic standards may be the reasons you're seeking love instead of experiencing it.

4. Visit new places and develop new social networks. You can't expect Mr. Right to come knocking at your door. He doesn't know find you. Get out there and get him.

5. Talk to people and learn flirt. Take the lead when meeting someone you're interested in. Start with, "Hello" and see where it lead you.

Tags: dating with, found love