Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Know When Your Sugar Levels Dropped

A glucose monitor can indicate when sugar levels are low.

Glucose, also referred to as sugar, is the body's main source of energy. Without glucose the body cannot function and shuts down. When your sugar levels drop, you feel unwell and will notice differences in your appearance and behavior. People with diabetes have the added challenge of balancing their sugar levels, because their bodies do not naturally absorb sugar. Knowing when blood sugar levels drop is essential because if it drops too low, you can go into convulsions and pass out.


1. Monitor how you feel because certain conditions can indicate low blood sugar. If you have a headache or feel moody, irritable, drowsy or dizzy, it can be triggered by a drop of your sugar levels.

2. Recognize physical signs of low sugar. If you are seeing double or have blurry vision, low sugar levels can be to blame. A fast heartbeat and pale, clammy skin are also common when sugar levels are low.

3. Keep track of your sleep behavior. Having nightmares and excessive sweating while sleeping, can be signs of low blood sugar, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

4. Consult your doctor if you take diabetes medications, such as insulin or diabetes pills. Certain diabetes medication can trigger low blood sugar.

5. Look for signs of hunger. If your stomach is growling due to hunger your blood sugar may have dropped. Ask yourself when you last had something to eat. Skipping meals or not eating enough food can lower your blood sugar.

6. Check your blood sugar with a glucose monitor to see if it is low. Glucose monitors use a small blood sample to measure the sugar levels in your blood. The result is indicated in a number, which can translate to mild, moderate or severe low blood sugar. A normal blood sugar range is 70 to 100 mg/dL; a mild low blood sugar range is 60 or 65 mg/dL; a moderate low blood sugar range is 50 or 55 mg/dL; a severe low blood sugar range is 40 or 30 or even 20 mg/dL.

Tags: blood sugar, sugar levels, blood sugar range, sugar range, your blood, your blood sugar, blood sugar have